Friday, June 10, 2011

2010-02-23 Archive, Reading, The God Delusion (3)

The God Conclusion

Having finished reading "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins, I feel kind of sad that he doesn't seem to understand the importance of truth. He relates the tragic story of Edgardo Mortara with the following words:

"In 1858 Edgardo Mortara, a six-year-old child of Jewish parents living in Bologna, was legally seized by the papal police acting under orders from the Inquisition. Edgardo was forcibly dragged away from his weeping mother and distraught father to the Catechumens (house for the conversion of Jews and Muslims) in Rome, and thereafter brought up as a Roman Catholic."
Apparently, a few years earlier, a Catholic girl had "baptized" Edgardo as a young child by throwing some water on his head and saying "I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost."

I agree with Dawkins' horror of this event. It was wrong. But his comments are revealing. He goes on to say:

"...the Mortaras could at a stroke have had Edgardo back, if only they had accepted the priests' entreaties and agreed to be baptized themselves. Edgardo had been stolen in the first place because of a splash of water and a dozen meaningless words. ... [but] the Mortaras could not bring themselves to seize the opportunity offered by the meaningless rite of baptism. Couldn't they cross their fingers, or whisper 'not' under their breath while being baptized?"

These comments really bother me. They illustrate the fact that the most important thing to a Darwinist is not the truth, but living long enough (by hook or by crook) to pass on your genes. Darwinists don't seem to understand that telling the truth under duress is more important than living a lie in comfort.

This is why religion is important. Truth is the cornerstone of religious teaching. Apparently convenience and deception in preserving a personal life and position are more important than truth to a believer in Darwin's evolution.

For example, religion (i.e. the Bible) says, "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor," (Exodus 20:16 and Deuteronomy 5:20)
"A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who tells lies will not escape," (Proverbs 19:5)
"A club and a sword and a sharp arrow is a man who bears false withness against his neighbor." (Proverbs 25:18)

The Piltdown man, used by Darwinists for forty years as evidence of evolution, was a hoax.

The Bible says, "Therefore, laying aside falshood, speak truth each one with his neighbor," (Ephesians 4:25)
"Do not lie to one another." (Colossians 3:9)

The photograph of dark and light pepper moths, used as evidence of evolution, was staged. Both colors of the moth existed before, and continue to exist now. The variation in numbers of the pepper moth do not illustrate evolution, but only natural selection. No evolution or change in DNA occurred. The Archaeoraptor fossil was a fake.

"If I speak truth, why do you not believe me?" (John 8:46)
"So have I become your enemy by telling you the truth?" (Galatians 4:16)

In the late 1800's, Ernst Haeckel produced and published faked photographs showing a series of minievolutions occurring in human embryos. It was a lie to promote the doctrine of evolution. Nebraska Man turned out to be a pig's tooth.

There are thousands of fossils, some say millions, which are supposedly millions of years old, but they are identical to actual animals still living in this day and age. Look up "living fossils" on the internet for pictures of some of them. What surprises me is that the source of much of the living fossil evidence is coming from Muslims, not Christians.

But in his book, Mr. Dawkins repeatedly says there is no evidence for God, and a mountain of evidence for evolution. He shrugs off the Bible as a lie. He states the fact that 90% of Americans say they believe in God, yet ignores this fact when he talks about the "zeitgeist" or "spirit of the times" changing so that people are less racist, less prejudiced and more considerate of others these days, than they were even 100 or 50 years ago. And he fails to provide references to any actual evidence which might convince someone that evolution might be true.

Near the end of the book, he mentions a campaign to rebrand atheists as "brights." (As opposed to dims?) As a card-carrying ex-member of the Triple-Nine Society, I think not.


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