Saturday, June 11, 2011

2007-10-11 Poetry, Venus Only Smiles


The Sun and Stars chitchat to Mars,
The Moon to Saturn spills;
The Clouds on high begin to sigh,
But Venus’ gossip chills.

This is a tale of sad betrayal,
Of love a-foundering.
A young man’s chance to join the dance,
Is lost to boundering.

He’s tall and fair, and debonair
While she is shy and warm,
But then he turns, and sneering, spurns
Her smile, with freezing form.

She, glancing down and blushing, frowned
While he, uncaring, laughed.
She shrugs and turns, and once more learns
That most young men are daft.

Away he walks and cunning talks,
While others he compared.
He casts a net of words to get
The fairest one ensnared.

But whispers fast around him pass,
Like wind through shivered leaves.
As friend allied with friends confide,
His soft deceit unweaves.

A stillness then descends as when
To him, they all have turned.
He is surprised to realize
His net of words is burned.

From face to face he turns, in place,
Quite all around the hall.
‘Twas then he learned: When one he spurned,
He had offended all.

He stops full short, then he resorts
To running from the scene.
She laughs aloud, as does the crowd,
With humor, unforeseen.

The Sun does not accept the thought:
That they may reconcile;
But Moon and Stars now fight with Mars,
And Venus only smiles.

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