Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Poetry - Requiem for Sadie

Requiem for Sadie

My Abba, my Father,
I give You my friend,
My heart.
She taught me the meaning of love and loyalty,
Patience and faithfulness.
And what it means when You said,
"I was hungry and you fed me,
Thirsty and you gave me drink,"
Homeless, and you took me in.
Looking into her eyes,
It was You looking back at me.
Reminding me:
"As much as you have done it
To the least of these,
You have done it to me."
Please, keep her safe.
She is family.
As the poem says ---

"The sky is blue in Paradise,
The meadows broad, the flowers nice,
The trees are tall, and streams abound.
What once I lost has now been found.
So now I lay me down to sleep.
I pray Thee, Lord, her life to keep.
So when I die and come to Thee,
Right next to You, her face I'll see ---