Friday, May 25, 2012

Words - If evolution is true

If evolution is true --- that all living things are descendents of a single cell --- then all simple, or single-celled, organisms will have simpler and shorter DNA than more complex, multi-celled organisms.  And mankind, the supposed peak of evolution, will have the longest and most complicated DNA of all.

Generic human (picture by Leonardo via Wikipedia)

But human DNA is only 3 billion base pairs of DNA long.  This is shorter than the DNA of the marbled lungfish, which has 130 billion base pairs of DNA.

Marbled Lungfish (picture via Wikipedia)

Also, human DNA is far shorter than the 150 billion base pairs of DNA to be found in the simple flower Paris Japonica.

Paris Japonica (picture via Wikipedia)

And human DNA is about 10 times shorter than the 290 billion base pairs of DNA to be found in the single-celled Amoeba proteus.

Generic amoeba (drawing via Wikipedia)

So, if we measure evolutionary intelligence by the complexity of our DNA, Amoebas may be the genius, and humans can sometimes be dumber than rocks.

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