Sunday, April 29, 2012

Words - Abiogenesis

The first fly appeared as if by magic; its wings added a mother-of-pearl glitter to the ground beneath.  Looking closely at the brown and shadowed dirt as it warmed in the light of the rising sun, I could see another fly, and then another.  It was like an optical illusion: as if the dirt itself were turning into flies.  There were soon five, ten, twenty flies, and some of them began to take flight, buzzing slowly around, over the garden.

Faced with this plague of flies, I quickly ran into the house, returned with a spray-can of Raid insecticide, and began spraying both the air and the ground as flies by the dozen continued to appear from the dirt and take to the air.  Within half an hour all of the flies were dead or gone, and the plague was over.

Abiogenesis is a word which means life beginning from non-living matter.  I have seen this with my own eyes, so I understand why people up through the late 1800's used to believe it.  But the science of Biology was founded on the disproving of abiogenesis.  Life never comes from non-living matter.  Life always comes from existing life of the same kind.

Thinking back to the warm afternoon when we had rototilled the dirt for that garden, I remember the small pile of dead fish lying under the shade of the almond tree, attracting the attention of a dozen flies.  We buried those fish six inches under the soft dirt at one end of the garden.  The same end of the garden where the flies later appeared.

Science is founded on testing and observation.  If you want the truth, you look at the evidence.  Not just the evidence that presents itself before your eyes, but all of the evidence.  So, even though I did not see it, I understand that the flies which landed on the fish under the almond tree, laid eggs on those fish.  And later, even though the fish were dead and buried, the fly-eggs hatched into a swarm of maggots, and those maggots grew into a swarm of flies that, when grown, struggled up through the loose dirt to appear in the sunshine before my very eyes early one morning.

Everything that begins to exist, has a cause.

Back in 1668 an Italian named Francesco Redi proved that maggots come from eggs laid by flies.  He set out meat in different containers.  Some were sealed shut.  Others were screened to keep out flies.  And others were open to allow flies to land on the meat.  In the end, maggots grew only on the meat in the open containers where the flies had landed on it.

In 1859 Louis Pasteur won a contest for the best experiment that disproved spontaneous generation (abiogenesis) of bacteria.  He boiled meat broth in a glass flask with an S-shaped neck to keep dust from settling on the broth.  Even though the broth was open to the air, the dust would settle by gravity in the s-bend of the neck of the flask.  The broth remained clear because no microorganisms magically appeared it it.  But after the flask was tipped to bring the broth into contact with any dust in the neck of the flask, the broth soon became cloudy with microscopic life. Pastuer declared, in essence, "Spontaneous Generation is dead."

These two experiments are part of the foundation of biological science. They proved, for the world, that life does not magically appear without cause from non-living matter. Abiogenesis is not true. 

So why is evolutionism trying to return science to the dark ages by resurrecting abiogenesis?

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